new: {} removed: {'shim': '15+1552672080.a4a1fbe-0ubuntu2'} changed: ['distro-info-data', 'libgnutls-openssl27:amd64', 'libgnutls30:amd64', 'libssl1.0.0:amd64', 'openssl', 'shim-signed'] new snaps: {} removed snaps: {} changed snaps: [] ==== distro-info-data: 0.28ubuntu0.17 => 0.28ubuntu0.18 ==== ==== distro-info-data * Move Ubuntu EoLs off weekend days. (LP: #1939457) ==== gnutls28: 3.4.10-4ubuntu1.8 => 3.4.10-4ubuntu1.9 ==== ==== libgnutls-openssl27:amd64 libgnutls30:amd64 * Backport patches from Upstream/Debian to check validity against system certs. This is to allow correctly validating default letsencrypt chains that now also include a redundant expired certficate. LP: #1928648 ==== openssl: 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.19 => 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.20 ==== ==== libssl1.0.0:amd64 openssl * Enable X509_V_FLAG_TRUSTED_FIRST by default, such that letsencrypt connection with the default chain remains trusted even after the expiry of the redundant CA certificate. LP: #1928989 ==== shim-signed: 1.33.1~16.04.6+15+1552672080.a4a1fbe-0ubuntu2 => 1.33.1~16.04.10+15.4-0ubuntu7 ==== ==== shim-signed